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Peter Cameron gives an interesting insight into the rifles of a Maharaja – Sir Digbijai Singh Bahadur, KCSI, Maharajah of Bulrampore, Oudh. Andrew Tonkin starts with Part 1 on Reloading, handloading and nitro-black for old black powder rifles while Geoff Wainwright shares a Biltong hunt with Poachers as a young man in Zambia and Johan van Wyk offers a write-up on Rigby’s Highland Stalker. Now in Part 2 Danie Geel continues his quest for the tiny 10 in Mozambique, The leopard’s Leap about  a leopard hunt accompanied by some beautiful  old photos makes for some interesting reading while John Coleman shares his respect for the best shot he ever met, Bob Zywna from Alaska. Owen Connor shares some of his brother, John Connor’s hunting memoirs of hunting in the old Rhodesia followed by a compressed version of Hunting the Trophy Reedbuck by Benand Els. Evaluation Of Hunting Scopes – A daunting task if left to gun writers without optic testing equipment, a must read for all of us!

July/August 2017 Digital


    African Outfitter Magazine

    Neels Geldenhuys
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